By Padma
12th.March, 2019
26?English?letters?decoding?Gene?and?theEnglish?combinations?and?syllable-memory methods?are?the?very?good?important?
methods for?pronunciations?and?the?regulations?formemory, which?are?the?solutions?of?students?words?memory, and?I think?this?is?very?important, the?first?important?for?everyone.?
And?I am?also?the?first?English phonetics, pronunciations,formations and meanings of the three in one combinations of the English professors.There are 12 English words for our solution. One is the phonetics.You have to read English words when you see the words. Second one is formation. After hearing the words, and you have to know the meaning of the words. And the last one is the meaning of the word.When you see the words, and you can know the Chinese meanings. This is we called three in one.
From the English Roots to learn English is the best way for English words.That's because every word was from the pictographs.That means the pictographs words. And this is the picture from the every word. And the entire English world is just the pictures.