It Never Stops, And Never Should
When I was five years old, I played the role of the turtle in a play organized by my older sister. I had one line at the end, when I beat the sleeping rabbit to the finish line: slow and steady wins the race.
I’ve always felt that those words guided my career. I was never the fastest; I was rarely an A student. But as the careers of others stalled, I kept going. My goal was always the same: to learn more this year than I had last year.
Some people have difficulty with particular topics. They may also have a slow deliberate style. The goal of education is not to gain as much knowledge as quickly as possible, but to gain useful knowledge and retain it. As a teacher, I don’t care how “fast” someone learns something.
There may be a lot of reasons someone picks up a particular subject or topic more quickly: more background, natural adeptness, previous exposure to the material, more sleep that night, less stress, and so on. We process information differently.
In retrospect, I’ve come to realize that one of the ways I learn is “error-based.” That is, I effectively learn by making mistakes. This may be slower than other methods of learning, but when I learn something, I really learn it.
It never stops, and never should. Now the world is competitive and sometimes being too slow means you miss out. But speed is seldom the biggest marker of success. Learning, like a career, or like life, is a marathon, not a sprint.