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    The noble duke of york (約克的尊爵) He had ten thousands men(有一萬個士兵) He march them up to the top of the heel(他指揮士兵們上山去) He march them down again(又把他們指揮下來) And when you up you are up(你上來啦) And when you down you are down(你下來啦) And when you only half way up(當你上到一半) You neither up nor down(你上也上不去下也下不來) He march them to the left(他把他們指揮向左) He march them to the right(他把他們指揮向右) He march them over up side down(他指揮士兵倒過來) Oh what a funny sight,oh what a funny sight (噢多么好笑的畫面啊,噢多么好笑的畫面?。。? 金寶貝的經(jīng)典曲目!特別好玩!孩子百玩不厭!爸爸媽媽快學(xué)起來吧!需要看視頻的留言加我微信嘍!
    上一期: The itsy bitsy spider
    下一期: Fly fly fly your plane