2016-03-21 2評(píng)論
【讀繪本,過寒假】Today Is Monday(演唱版)
2016-01-22 7評(píng)論
【讀繪本,過寒假】The Giving Tree
2016-01-22 3評(píng)論
2016-01-22 2評(píng)論
【讀繪本,過寒假】Good Night Moon
2016-01-22 0評(píng)論
【讀繪本,過寒假】When Sophie Gets Angry, Really Really Angry.
2016-01-22 0評(píng)論
【讀繪本,過寒假】Liittle blue and. little yellow
2016-01-22 0評(píng)論
【讀繪本,過寒假】 a kangaroo have a mother too?
2016-01-22 0評(píng)論
【Nicole讀繪本】Five Little Monkeys Jumped on the Bed
2016-01-05 3評(píng)論
【Nicole唱童謠】Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
2016-01-03 0評(píng)論